Product Description
At your first consultation I will discuss your complaint as well as ask questions around your general health including medication, previous illness, trauma and surgery.
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and manual treatment focusing on the structural and functional integrity of the body. That is, the musculo-skeletal system (together with the ligaments, tendons and fascia), but also the nerves, blood vessels and organ systems that are intimately related.It recognises that much of the pain and disability we suffer is caused by the reaction of muscles and other soft tissues to misalignment in the spine or other joints in the upper and lower limbs,membranous tension from cranial strain patterns,other soft tissue dysfunction such as contracture or tension patterns.These can all be the result of direct trauma, sudden or accumulative strain, excessive postural adaptation, compensation, stress or degenerative change. Further problems can arise from nerve root irritation that may not only cause pain, weakness and numbness, but also organ dysfunction.
Products & Services
- arthritic pain
- back pain
- joint pain
- muscle pain
- pain relief therapy
- repetitive strain injury
- sciatica
- shoulder pain
- trapped nerves
- Back and neck ache/pain
- Lumbago, rheumatic and arthritic pain
- Whiplash injuries
- Muscle spasm and cramp
- Minor sports injuries
- Digestion problems
- General Osteopathic Council
- BOA Member