Special offer in Oct 2014 for neutering: 20% off, phone 609040
*Open for routine consultations 6 days/week till late
*Consultation by appointment
*Branch surgery in Wilsden, main surgery in Keighley
*Personal service -no seeing a different vet each time you come in
*Knowledgeable qualified nurse, very experienced & qualified staff
*Excellent premises & up to date equipment including in Keighley, a brand new digital x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy, lab facilities, and a brand new operating theatre
*Excellent value for money
*Full range of treatments from health checks to emergency operations
*Feel free to call Please call for information and help
*Home Visits; we are happy to visit your pet at home if needed
Vets: We have 2 highly experienced & dedicated vets at Airedale Vets.
Peter Eccles BVSc MRCVS, LVI. Peter qualified in 1981 from Liverpool University
Ken Alexander DVMS MRCVS LVI Ken qualified in 1981 from Edinburgh University
Qualified, Registered Veterinary Nurse: Alison Spencer.
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